
AWS Integration & Messaginng

AWS Integration & Messaginng

SQS, SNS & Kinesis

  • When we start deploying multiple applications, they will inevitably need to communicate with one another
  • There are two patterns of application communication
    • Synchromous communication (app to app)
    • Asynchronous / Evenbased (app to queue to app)


  • Synchronnous between applications can be problematic if there are sudden spikes of traffic
  • What if you need to suddenly encode 1000 videos but usually it’s 10?
  • in that case, it better to decouple your applications,
    • SQS: queue model
    • SNS: pub/sub model
    • Kinesis: real-time streaming model
  • These services can scale independently from our application!

    Amazon SQS, What’s a queue?

    SQS - Standard queue

  • Oldest offering (over 10 years old)
  • Fully managed service, used to decouple applications
  • Attributes:
    • unlimited throughput, unlimited number of messages in queue
    • Default retention of message: 4 days, maxximum of 14 days
    • Low latenccy (< 10ms on publish and receive)
    • Limitation of 256kb per message sent
  • Can have duplicate messages (at least once delivery, occasionally)
  • Can have out of order messages (best effort ordering)

    SQS - product messages

  • Produced to SQS using the SDK (SendMessage API)
  • The message is persited in SQS until consumer deletes it
  • Message retention: default 4 days, upto 14days
  • Example:
    • order id
    • customer id
    • any attributes you want
  • SQS standard: unlimited throughput

    SQS - Consuming messages

  • Consumes (running on EC2 instances, Servers, or AWS lambda)…
  • Poll SQS for messages (receive up to 10 messages at a time)
  • Process the messages (example: insert the message inyo an RDS database)
  • Delete the messages using thhe deleteMessage API

    SQS - Mutiple EC2 Innstances Consumers

  • Consumers receive and process messages in parallel
  • At least once delivery
  • Best effort message ordering
  • Consumers delete messages after processig them
  • We can scale consumers horzontally to improve throughput of processing

    SQS with auto scaling group (ASG)

    SQS to decouple between appliccation tiers

    Amazon SQS - Security

  • Encryption
    • In-flight encryption using HTTPS API
    • At rest encryption using KMS keys
    • Client side encrytion if the client wants to perform encryptioon/decrytion itself
  • Access Controls: IAM policies too regulate access to SQS API
  • SQS Access Policies (similiar to S3 bucket policies)
    • Useful for cross account access to SQS queues
    • Useful for allowinng other services (SNS, S3…) to write to an SQS queue

      SQS Queue Access Policy

  • Cross Acccount Access
  • Publish S3 Event Notifications to SQS Queue

    SQS Message Visiblity Timeout

  • After a message is polled by a consumer, it becomes invisible to other consumers
  • By default, the “message visibility timeout” is 30 seconds
  • That means the message has 30 seconnds to be processed
  • After the message visibility timeout is over, the message is “visible” in SQS
  • If a message is not processed within the visibility timeout, it will be processed twice
  • A consumer could call the ChangelMessageVisibility API tto get more time
  • If visibility timeout is high (hours), and consumer crashes, re-processing will take ttime
  • If visiblity ttimeouut is too low (seconds), we may get duplicates

    Amazon SQS - Dead Letter Queue

  • If a consumer fails to process a message within the visibility timeout… the message goes back to the queue!
  • We can set a threshold of how manny times a message can go back to the queue
  • After tthe mmaximumreceivves tthreshold is exceeded, the message goes intto a dead lettter queue (DLQ)
  • Userful for debugginng!
  • Make sure to process the messages in the DLQ before they expire:
    • Good to sett a rettenttion oof 14days in the DLQ

      SQS DLQ - Redrive to Source

  • Feature to help consume messages in the DLQ to understand what is wrong with them.
  • When our code is fixed, we can redrive the messages from the DLQ backk into the source queue (or any otther queue) inn batches without writing custtom code

    Amazon SQS - Delay Queue

  • Delay a message (consummers don’t see it immediately) up to 15 minuttes
  • Defaultt is 0 secconnds (message is available rightt away)
  • Can set a defaultt at queue level
  • Can override tthe defaultt o sennd using the DelaySecccond parameters

    Amazon SQS - Long Polling

  • When a consumer requests messages from the queue, it can optioally “wait” for messages to arrive if tthere are nonne in the queue
  • This is called long pollinng
  • LongPolling dereases the nuumber of API calls made tto SQS while increasign tthe efficiency and reduinng lattenccy of your applicationn
  • The wait time can be between 1 se tto 20 sec (20 sec preferable)
  • Lonng polling is preferable to short polling
  • long polling level using waittimeseconnds
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