
AWS Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Amazon Rekognition

  • Find objects, people, text, scenes in images and videos using ML
  • Facial analysis and facial search to do user verification, people counting
  • Create a database of “familiar faces” or compare against celebrities
  • Use case:
    • Labeling
    • Content Moderation
    • Text Detection
    • Face Detection and Analysis (gender, age, range, emotions…)
    • Face Search and Verification
    • Celebrity Recognition
    • Pathing (ex: for sports game analysis)

      Amazon Transcribe

  • Automatic convert speech to text
  • Uses a deep learning process called automatic speech recognition(ASR) to convert speech to text quickly and accurately
  • Use cases:
    • Transcribe customer service calls
    • automate closed caption and subtitling
    • generate metadata for media assets to create a fully searchable archive

      Amazon Polly

  • Turn text into lifelike speech using deep learning
  • Allowing you to create application that talk

    Amazon Translate

  • Nature and accurate language translation
  • Amazon Translate allows you to localize content - such as website and applications - for internation users, and to easily translate large volume of text efficiently

    Amazon Lex & Connect

  • Amazon Lex: (Same technology that powers Alexa)
    • Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text
    • Natural Language Understanding to recognize the intent of text, callers
    • Helps build chatbots, call center bots
  • Amazon Connect:
    • Receive calls, create contact flows, cloud-based virtual contact center
    • Can integrate with other CRM systems or AWS
    • No upfront payment, 80% cheaper than traditional contact center solutions

      Amazon Comprehend

  • For Nature language Processing - NLP
  • Fully managed and serverless service
  • Uses machine learning to find insight and relationship in text
    • Language of the text
    • Extracts key phrases, places, people, brands, or events
    • Understanding how positive or negative the text is
    • Analysis text using tokenization and parts of speech
    • Automatically organizes a collection of text files by topic
  • Sample use cases:
    • analyze customer interaction (email) to find what leads to a positive or negative experience
    • Create and groups articles by topics that Comprehend will uncover

      Amazon SageMaker

  • Fully managed service for developers / data scientists to build ML models
  • Typically, difficult to do all the processes in one place + provision servers
  • Machine learning process (simplified): predicting your exam score

    Amazon Forecast

  • Fully managed service that uses ML to deliver highly accurate forecasts
  • Example: predict the future sales of a raincoat
  • 50% more accurate than looking at the data itself
  • Reduce forecasting time from months to hours
  • Use cases: Product Demand Planning, Financial Planning, Resource Planning,…

    Amazon Kendra

  • Fully managed document search service powered by Machine Learning
  • Extract answer from within a document (text, pdf, HTML, MS Word, …)
  • Natural language search capabilities
  • Learn from user interactions/feedback tto promote preferred results (Incremental learning)
  • Ability to manually fine-tune search results (importance of data, freshness, custom, …)

    Amazon Personalize

  • Fully managed ML-service to build apps with real-time personalized recommendations
  • Example: personalized product recommendations/re-ranking, customized direct marketing
    • Example: User bought gardening tools, provide recommendations on the next one tto buy
  • Same technology used by
  • Integrates into existing website, applications, SMS, email marketing systems,…
  • Implement in days, ot months (you don’t need to build, train, and deploy ML solutions)
  • Use cases retail stores, media, and entertainment…

    Amazon Textract

  • Automatically extract text, handwriting, and data from ay scanned document using AI ad ML
  • Extract data from forms and tables
  • Read and process any type of documents (PDFs, images, …)
  • Use cases:
    • Financial Service (e.g invoice, financial reports)
    • Healthcare (e.g medical records, insurance claims)
    • Public Sector (e.g tax forms, ID documents, passports)

      AWS Machine Learning - Summary

  • Rekognition: face detection, labeling, celebrity recognition
  • Transcribe: audio to text
  • Polly: text to audio
  • Translate: translation
  • Lex: build conversation bots - chatbots
  • Connect: cloud contact center
  • Comprehend: natural language processing
  • SageMaker: machine learning for every developer and data scientist
  • Forecast: build highly accurate forecast
  • Kendra: ML-powered search engine
  • Personalize: real-time personalized recommendation
  • Textract: detect text and data in documents
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