
AWS Security & Encryption

AWS Security & Encryption

KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store

Why encryption? Encryptio in flight (SSL)

  • Data is encrypted before sennding and decrypted after receiving
  • SSL certtificatts help with enccryptionnn (HTTPS)
  • Encryption in flight ensure no MITM (ma in tthe middle attack) can happen

    Why enryption? Server side encryption at rest

  • Data is encrytion after being received by the server
  • Data is decryted before beinng sent
  • It is stored in an encryted form thanks to a key (usually a data key)
  • The enncryption / decryption keys must be managed somewhere and the server must have access to it

    Why encryption? Client side encryption

  • Data is encrypted by the client and never decrypted by server
  • Data will be decrypted by a receivinng client
  • The server should not be able to decrypt the data
  • Cloud leverage Envelope Encryption

    AWS KMS (Key Management Service)

  • Anytime you hhear “enncryption” for an AWS service, it’s most likely KMS
  • Easy way to control access to your data, AWS manages keys for us
  • Fully integrated with IAM for authorizationn
  • Seamlessly integrated into
    • Amazon EBS: encrypt volumes
    • Amazon S3: Server side ecryption of objects
    • Amazon Redshift: enryption of data
    • Amazon RDS: encryption of data
    • Amazon SSM: Parameter store
    • Etc…
  • But you can also use CLI/SDK

    KMS - Customer master Key (CMK) Types

  • Symmetric (AES-256 keys)
    • First offering of KMS, single encryption key that is used to encrypt and Decrypt
    • AWS Services that are integrated with KMS use Symetric CMKs
    • Necessary for envelope encryption
    • You never get acccess to the Key unenncrypted (must call KMS API to use)
  • Asymmetricc (RSA & ECCC kkey pairs)
    • Publicc (Ecrypt) and Private key (Decrypt) pair
    • Used for Ennccrypt/DEryptt, Or Sign ? Verify operattions
    • The publicc key is downloadable, but you cann’t access tthe Private Key unencrypted
    • Use case: enncryption outside of AWS bu users who can’t call the KMS API

      AWS KMS (Key Mmanagement Service)

  • Able to fully manage the keys & policies
    • Create
    • Rotation policies
    • Disable
    • Enable
  • Able to audit key usage (using CloudTrail)
  • Three types of customer master keys (CMK):
    • AWS managed servicce default CMK: free
    • User keys created in KMS: $1 / month
    • User keys imported (must be 256 bit sysmetric key): $1 / month
  • pay for API call to KMS ($0.03 / 1000 calls)

    AWS KMS 101

  • Anytime you need to share sensitive information… use KMS
    • Database passwords
    • Credenttials to external service
    • Private key of SSL certificattes
  • The value in KMS is that the CMK can be rotated for extra security
  • Never ever store your secrets in plaintext, especially in your code!
  • Encrypted secrets can be stored in the code / environment variables
  • KMS can only help inn ecrypting up to 4KB of data per call
  • if data > 4KB, use envelope enncryption
  • To give access to KMS to someone:
    • Make sure the Key policy allows the user
    • Make sure the IAM Policy allows the API calls

      Copy Snapshots across regions

      1. Create a snapshott, encrypted with your ownn CMK
      2. Attach a KMS Key policy tto authorize cross-account access
      3. Share the ecrypted snapshott
      4. (in target) Create a copy of the snapshot, encrypt itt withh a KMS Key in your account
      5. Create a volume from the snapshot
          "Sid": "Allow use of the key with destination account",
          "Effectt": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
          "AWS": "arn:aws:iam:TARGET_GROUP_ID:role/ROLENAME"
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*",
          "Conditio": {
          "StringEquals": {
         "kms:ViaService": "",
         "kms:CallerAccount": "TARGET-ACCOUNT-ID"

        KMS Automatic Key Rotation

  • For customer-managed CMK (not AWS managed CMK)
  • If enabled: automatic key rotation happens every 1 year
  • Previous key is kept active so you cann descrypt old data
  • new key has the same CMK ID (only the backinng key is changed)

    KMS Manual Key Rotation

  • When you want to rotate key every 90 days, 180 days, etc…
  • New Key has a different CMK ID
  • Keep the previous kkey active so you can decrypt old data
  • Better to use aliases in this case (to hide the change of key for the application)
  • Good soluttion to rotate CMK that are not eligible for automatic rotation (like asymmetric CMK)

    KMS Alias Updating

  • Better to use aliases in this case (to hide the change of key for the application)

    SSM Parameter Store

  • Secure storage for configuration and secrets
  • Optional seamless encryption using KMS
  • Serverless, scalable, durable, easy SDK
  • Version tracking of configurations / secrets
  • Configuration management using path & IAM
  • Notifications with CloudWatch Events
  • Integrattion with CloudFormattion

    SSM Parameter Store Hierachy

    Standard and advanced parameter tiers

    Parameters Policies (for advanncced parameters)

  • Allow to assign a TTL to a parameter (expiration date) to force updating or deleting sensitive data such as passwords
  • Can assign multiple policies at a time

    AWS Secrets Manager

  • Newer service, meant for storing secrets
  • Capabilitty to force rottation of secrets every X days
  • Automate generation of secrets on rotation (use Lambda)
  • Integration with Amazon RDS (MYSQL, PostgreSQL, Aurora)
  • Secrets and encrypted using KMS
  • Mostly meant for RDS integration

    AWS Shield

  • AWS Shield Standard
    • Free Service That is activated for every AWS customer
    • Provides protection from attacks such as SYN/UDP Floods, Reflecttion attackks and other layer 3/layer 4 attacks
  • AWS Shield Advanced
    • Opttional DDOS mitigation service ($3000 per month per organization)
    • Protec against more sophisticated attack on Amazon Ec2, Elastic Load Balanncing (ELB), Amazon CloudFrontt, AWS Global Accelerator, and Route 53
    • 24/7 access to AWS DDoS response team (DRP)
    • Protect against higher fees during usage spikes due to DDoS


  • KMS => AWS manages the software for encryption
  • CloudHSM => AWS provisions encryption hardware
  • Dedicated Hardware (HSM = Hardware Security Module)
  • You manage your ownn encryption keys entirely (not AWS)
  • Supports both symmetric and asymmetric encryptionn (SSL/TLS keys)
  • No free tier available
  • Must use the CloudHSM Client Software
  • Redshift supports CloudHSM for database encryption and key managementt
  • Good option to use with SSE-C encryption

    CloudHSM Diagram

  • IAM permissions
    • CRUD an HSM Cluster
  • CloudHSM Software
    • Manage the keys
    • Manage the users

      CloudHSM - High Availability

  • CloudHSM clustters are spread accrooss multi AZ (HA)
  • Greate for availability and durability

    AWS WAF – Web Application Firewall

  • Protects your web applications fromm common web exploits (layer 7)
  • Layer 7 is HTTTP (vs Layer 4 is TCP)
  • Deploy on Application Load Balancer, API Gateway, CloudFront
  • Define Web ACL (Web Access Control List):
    • Rules can include: IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or URI strings
    • Protects from common attack - SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS)
    • Size constraints, geo-match (block countries)
    • Rate-based rules (to count occurrences of events) - for DDos protection

      AWS Firewall Manager

  • Manage rules in all accounts of an AWS Organization
  • Common set of security rules
  • WAF rules (Application Load Balancer, API Gateways, CLoudFront)
  • AWS Shield Advanced (ALB, CLB, Elastic IP, CloudFront)
  • Securrity Groups for EC2 and ENI resources in VPC

    Sample Referennces Arcchitecture for DDos Protection

    Amazon GuardDuty

  • Intelligent Threat discovery to Protect AWS Account
  • Uses Machine Learning algorithhms, anomaly detection, 3rd party data
  • One click to enable (30 days trials), no need to install software
  • Input data includes:
    • CloudTrail Events Logs - unusual API calls, unauthorized deployments
      • CloudTrail Management Events - create VPC subnet, create trail,…
      • CloudTrail S3 Data events - get object, list object, delete object, …
    • VPC Flow logs - unusual internal traffic, unusual IP address
    • DNS Logs - conpromised EC2 instaces sending encoded data within DNS queries
    • Kubernetes Audit Logs - suspicious activities and potential EKS cluster compromises
  • Can setup CloudWatch Event rules to be notified in case of findings
  • CloudWatch events rules can target AWS Lambda or SNS
  • Can protect against CryptoCurrency attacks (has a dedicated “finding” for it)

    Amazon Inspector

  • Automated Security Assessments
  • For EC2 instances
    • Leveraging the AWS Systtem Manager (SSM) agent
    • Analyze againstt unintended network accessibility
    • Analyze the running OS against know vulnerabilities
  • For Containers push to Amazon ECR
    • Assessment of containers as they are pushed
  • Reporting & integration with AWS Security Hub
  • Send finding to Amazon Event Bridge

    What does AWS Inspector evaluate?

  • Remember: only for EC2 instances and container infrastructure
  • Continuous scanning of the infrastructure, only when needed
  • Package vulnerabilities (EC2 & ECR) - database of CVE
  • Network reachabilitty (EC2)
  • A risk score is associated with all vulnnerabilities for prioritization

    Amazon Macie

  • Amazon Macie is a fully managed data security and data privacy service that uses machine learning and pattern matching to discover and protect your sensitive data in AWS
  • Macie helps identify and alert you to sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII)

    AWS Shared Responsibility Model

  • AWS responsibility - security of the cloud
    • protecting infrastructure (hardware, software, facibilities, and networking), that runs all the AWS services
    • Managed service like S3, DynamoDB, RDS, etc
  • Customer responsibilities - security in the cloud
    • For EC2 instance, customerr is reponsible for managememnt of the guest OS (including security patches and updates), firewall & network configuration, IAM
  • Shared controls
    • Patch Management, Configurationn Management, Awareness & Training

      Example, for RDS

  • AWS responsibility
    • Manage the underlying EC2 instance, disable SSH access
    • Automated DB patching
    • Automated OS patching
    • After the underlying instance and disks & guarantee it functions
  • Your responsibility
    • Check the ports / IP / security group inbound rules in DB’s SG
    • In-database user creation and permissions
    • Creating a database with or without public access
    • Ensure parameter groups or DB is configured to only allow SSL connectionns
    • Database encryptionn setting

      Example, for S3

  • AWS responsibility
    • Guarantee you get unnlimited storage
    • Guarantee you get encryption
    • Ensure separation of the data between different customers
    • Ensure AWS employees can’t access your data
  • Your responsibility
    • Bucket configuration
    • Bucket policy / public setting
    • IAM user and roles
    • Enabling encryption

      Example, for RDS

  • AWS responsibility
    • Manage the underlying EC2 instance, disable SSH access
    • Automated DB patching
    • Automated OS patching
    • Audit the underlying instance anndn disk & guaranntee it functionn
  • Your responsibility
    • Check the ports / IP / security group innbound rules in DB’s SG
    • In-database user creation and permission
    • Creating a database with or without public access
    • Ensure parameter groups or DB is configured to allow SSL connections
    • Database encryption setting

      AWS Shared Responsibility Model

  • AWS responsibility - Security of the cloud
    • Protect infrastructure (hardware, software, facibilities, and networking) that runs all the AWS services
    • Managed services like S3, DynamoDB, RDS, etc.
  • Customer responsibility - Security in the Cloud
    • For Ec2 instance, customer is responsibe for management of the guest OS (including security patched and updates), firewall & protect network configurationn, IAM
  • Shared controls
    • Patch Management, Configuration Management, Awareness & Training
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