
AWS White Papers and Architectures

White Papers and Architectures

Well Architected Framework, Disaster Recovery, etc…

Section Overview

  • Well Architected Framework Whitepaper
  • Well Architected Tool
  • AWS Trusted Advisor
  • Reference architectures resources (for real-world)
  • Disaster Recovery on AWS Whitepaper

    Well Architected Framework General Guiding Principles

  • Stop guessing your capacity needs
  • Test systems at production scale
  • Automate to make architectural experimentation easier
  • Allow for evolutionary architectures
    • Design based on changing requirements
  • Drive architectures using data
  • Improve through game days
    • Simulate applications for flash sale days

      Well Architected Framework 66 Pillars

      1. Operational Excellence
      2. Security
      3. Reliability
      4. Performance Efficiency
      5. Cost Optimization
      6. Sustainability They are not something to balance, or trade-offs, they’re a synergy

        AWS Well-architected Tool

        Free tool to review your architectures against the 6 pillars Well-Architected Framework and adopt architectural best practice

  • How does it work?
    • Select your workload and answer questions
    • Review your answers against the 66 pillars
    • Obtain advice: get videos ad documentations, generate a report, see the results iin a dashboard
  • Let’s have a look:

    Trusted Advisor

  • No need to install anything - high level AWS account assessment
  • Analyze your AWS accounts and provides recommendation:
  • Core checks and recommendations - all customers
  • Can enable weekly email notification from the console
  • Full Trusted Advisor: Available for business & Enterprise support plans
    • Ability to set CloudWatch alarms when reaching limits
    • Programmatic Access using AWS Support API

      Trusted Advisor Checks Examples

  • Cost Optimization
    • Low utilization EC2 instances, idle load balancers, under-utilized EBS volumes…
    • Reserved instances & savings plans optimizations
  • Performance:
    • High utilization EC2 instances, CloudFront CDN optimizations
    • EC2 to EBS throughput optimizations, Alias records recommendations
  • Security:
    • MFA enabled on Root Account, IAM key rotation, exposed Access Keys
    • S3 Bucket permissions for public access, security groups with unrestricted ports
  • Fault Tolerance:
    • EBS snapshots age, Availability Zone balance
    • ASG Multi-AZ, RDS Multi-AZ, ELB configuration,,,
  • Service Limits

    More Architecture Examples

  • We explored the most important architectural patterns:
    • Classic: EC2, ELB, RDS, ElastiCache, etc …
    • Serverless: S3, Lambda, DynamoDB, CloudFront, API Gateway, etc…
  • If you want to see more AWS architectures:
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