
Developing on AWS

Developing on AWS

AWS EC2 Instance Metadata

  • AWS EC2 Instance Medata is powerful but one of the least known features to developers
  • It allows AWS EC2 instances to “learn about themselves” without using an IAM role for that purpose
  • THe URL is
  • You can retrieve the IAM Role name from the metadata, but you cannot retrieve the IAM policy.
  • Metadata = Infor about the EC2 instance
  • Userdata = launch script of the EC2 instance

    AWS SDK Overview

  • What if you want to perform actions on AWS directly from your applications code? (without using the CLI)
  • You can use an SDK (software development kit) !
  • Official SDKs are…
    • Java
    • .NET
    • Node.js
    • PHP
    • Python (named boto3 / botocore)
    • Go
    • Ruby
    • C++

      AWS SDK Overview

  • We have to use the AWS SDK when coding against AWS Services such as DynamoDB
  • Fun fact… the AWS CLI uses the Python SDK (boto3)
  • The exam experts you to know when you should use an SDK
  • We’ll pratice the AWS SDK when we get to the Lamba functions
  • Good to know: if you don’t specify or configure a default region, then us-east-1 will be chosen by default
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