Exam Review & Tips
Exam Review & Tips
State of learning checkpoint
- Let look how far we’ve gone on our learning
Practice makes perfect
- If you’re new to AWS, take a bit of AWS practice thanks to this course before rushing to the exam
- The exam recommends you to have one or more years of hands-on experiencee on AWS
- Practice makes perfect!
- If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge you just learned, just go through it one more time
Proceed by elimination
- Most question are going to be scenario based
- For all the questions, rule out answers that you know for sure are wrong
- For the remaining answers, understand which one makes the most sense
- There are very few trick question
- Don’t over-think it
- If a solution seems feasible but highly complicated, it’s probably wrong
Skim the AWS Whitepapers
- You can read about some AWS White Pappers here:
- Overall we’ve explored all the most important concepts in the course
- It’s never bad to have a look at the whitepappers you think are interesting!
Read each service’s FAQ
FAQ = Frequently asked questions Example:
FAQ cover a lot of the questions asked at the exam They help confirm your understannding of a service
Get into the AWS Community
- Help out ad discuss with other people in the course Q&A
- Review questions asked by other people in the Q&A• Review questions asked by other people in the Q&A
- Do the practice test in this section
- Read forums online
- Read online blogs
- Attend local meetups and discuss with other AWS engineers
- Watch re-invent videos on Youtube (AWS Conference)
How will the exam work?
- You’ll have to register online at
- fee for the exam is 150 USD
- Provide two identity documents (ID, Credit Card, details are in emails sent to you)
- No notes are allowed, no pen is allowed, no speaking
- 65 question will be asked in 130 minutes
- At the end you can optionally review all the question / answers
- You will know right away if you passed / failed the exams
- You will not know which answers were right / wrong
- You will know the overall score a few days later (email nottification)
- To pass you need score of a least 720 out of 1000
- If you fail, you can rettakke the exam again 14 days later
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