
Extra Solution Architecture and AWS Services discussions

Extra Solution Architecture and AWS Services discussions

Lambda, SNS & SQS

  • SQS + Lambda
  • SQS FIFO + Lambda
  • SNS asynchroous to Lambda + SQS

    Fan Out Pattern: deliver to multiple SQS

  • SDK put SQSs
  • SDK put SNS subcrible SQS(fan out)

    S3 Events

  • S3: objectCreated, S3:ObjectRemove, S3:ObjectRestore, S3:Replication…
  • Object name filtering possible (*.jpg)
  • Use case: generate thumbnails of images upload to S3
  • Can create as many “S3 events” as desired
  • S3 event notificatiions typically deliver events in secconds butt can sometimes take a minutesor longer
  • If two writes are made to a single non-versioned object at the same time, it is possible that only a single event notification will be sent
  • If you want to ensure tthat an event notification is sent for every successful write you can enable versioning on your bucket

    Caching Strategies

  • Clientt -> CloudFront -> API gateway -> App Logic Ec2 / Lambda -> Redis Memcached -> Database
  • Cliennt -> CloudFront(Edge) -> S3
  • Caching, TTL, Network, Computation, Cost, Latency

    Blocking an IP address

  • EC2 Instance Public IP
  • Optional Firewall Software in EC2s
  • NACL + Security groups

    Blocking an IP address – with an ALB

  • Application Load Balancer Connection Termination
  • EC2 Instance Private IP

    Blocking an IP address – with an NLB

  • Network Load Balancer Traffic goes through No Security Group

    Blocking an IP address – ALB + WAF

  • ALB + WAF(IP address filtering)

    Blocking an IP address – ALB, CloudFront WAF

  • Client -> CloudFront(GEO Restriction) -> WAF IP address filtering -> CloudFrontt Public IPs -> Public ALB -> EC2 Security group

    High Performance Computing (HPC)

  • The cloud is perfect place to perform HPCC
  • You can create a very high number of resources in no time
  • You can speed up time to results by adding more resources
  • You can pay only for the systems you have used
  • Perform genomics, computation chemistry, financial risk modeling, weather predictionn, machine learning, deep learning, autonomous driving
  • Which services help perform HPC?

    Data Management & Transfer

  • AWS Direct Connect
    • Move GB/s of data to the cloud, over a private secure network
  • Snowball & Snowmobile
    • Move PB of data to the cloud
  • AWS DataSync
    • Move large amount of datta between on-premises and S3, EFS, FSc for Windows

      Compute and Nettworking

  • EC2 Instances:
    • CPU optimized, GPU opttimized
    • Spot Instances / Spot Fleets for cost savings + Auto Scaling
  • EC2 Placement Groups: Cluster for good network performance
  • Placement group cluster low latency 10Gbps network

    Compute and Networking

  • EC2 Enhaced Networking (SR-IOV)
    • Higher bandwidth, higher PPS (packet per second), lower latency
    • Option1: Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) up to 100 Gbps
    • Option2: Intel 82599 VF up to 10 Gbps - LEGACY
  • Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA)
    • Improved ENA for HPC, only works for linux
    • Greate for inter-node communication, tighly coupled workloads
    • Leverages Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard
    • Bypasses the underlying Linux OS to provide low-latenccy, reliable trannsport


  • Instance-attached storage
    • EBS: scale up to 256000 IOPS with io2 Block Express
    • Instance Store: Scale tto millions of IOPS, linked to EC2 instancee, low latenccy
  • Network storage:
    • Amazon S3: large blob, not a file system
    • Amazon EFS: scale IOPS based on ttottal size, or use provisioned IOPS
    • Amazon FSx for Lustre:
      • HPC optimized distributed file system, milions of IOPS
      • Backed by S3

        Automation and Orchestration

  • AWS Batch
    • AWS BAtch supports multi-node parallel jobs, which enables you to run single jobs that span multtiple EC2 instances
    • Easily schedule jobs and launch EC2 instances accordingly
  • AWS ParallelCluster
    • Open-source cluster management tool to deploy HPC on AWS
    • Configure with text files
    • Automate creation of VPC, subnet, clusterr type and instancce types
    • Abiliitty to enable EFA on the cluster (improves nnetwork performance)

      Creating a highly available EC2 instance

      Creating a highly available EC2 instance With an Auto Scaling Group

      Creating a highly available EC2 instance width ASG + EBS

      Creating a highly available EC2 instance

  • HA options for the bastion host
    • Run2across2AZ
    • Run 1 across 2 AZ with 1 ASG 1:1:1
  • Routing to the bastion host
    • If 1 bastion host, use an elastic IP with
    • ec2 user-data script to access it
    • If 2 bastion hosts, use an Network Load Balancer (layer 4) deployed in multiple AZ
    • If NLB, the bastion hosts can live in the private subnet directly
  • Note: Can’t use ALB as ALB is layer 7(HTTP protocol)
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