
Serverless Architectures Examples

Serverless Architectures

Serverless hosted website:

  • This website should scale globally
  • Blogs are rarely written, but often read
  • Some of the website is purely static files, the rest is a dynamic REST API
  • Caching must be implement where possible
  • Any new users that subscribes should receiv a welcom email
  • Any photo uploaded to the blog should have a thumbnail generated
  • S3 static website, API Gateway, ElasticeCahce for S3, Kinesis with SNS, DynamoDB, Simple Email Service (SES)

    Serving static content, globally

    Adding a public serverless REST API

    Leveraging DynamoDB Global Tables

    User Welcome email flow

    Thumbnail Generation flow

    SQS, SNS, S3, Lambda, S3, CLoudFront

    AWS Hosted Website Summary

  • We’ve seen static content being distributed using CloudFront with S3
  • The REST API was serverless, didn’t need Cognito because public
  • We leveraged a Global DynamoDB table to serve the data globally
  • (we could have used Aurora Global Database)
  • We enabled DynamoDB streams to trigger a Lambda function
  • The lambda function had an IAM role which could use SES
  • SES (Simple Email Service) was used to send emails in a serverless way
  • S3 can trigger SQS/SNS/Lambda to notify events

    Micro Services architecture

  • We want to switch to a micro service architecture
  • Many services interact with each other directly using a REST API
  • Each architecture for each micro service may vary in form and shape
  • We want a micro-service architecture so we can have a leaner development lifecycle for each service
  • API Gateway, AWS Dynamo global stream, Aurora Global, Lambda, Route53, Elastic Load Balancer, ElasticCache

    Micro Services Environment

    Dicussions on Micro Services

  • You are free to design each micro-service the way you want
  • Synchronous patterns: API Gateway, Load Balancers
  • Asynchronous patterns: SQS, Kinesis, SNS, Lambda triggers (S3)
  • Challenges with micro-services:
    • repeated overhead forr creating each new microservice
    • issues with optimizing server density/utilization
    • complexity of running multiple versions of multiple microservices simultaneously
    • complexity of running multiple versions of multiple microservices simultaneouly
    • proliferation of client-side code requirements to integrate with many separate services
  • Some of the challenges are solved by Serverless patterns
    • API Gateway, Lambda scale automatically and you pay per usage
    • You can easily clone API, reproduce environments
    • Generated client SDK through Swagger integration for the API Gateway

      Distributing paid content

  • We sell videos online and users have to paid to buy videos
  • Each videos can be bought by many different customers
  • We only want to distribute videos to users who are premium users
  • We have a database of premium users
  • Links we send to premium users should be short lived
  • Our application is global
  • We want to be fully serverless
  • DynamoDB, Lambda, REST HTTPS, Cognito, CloudFront, OAI

    Start simple, premium user service

    Add authentication

    Add Videos Storage Service

    Distribute Globally and Secure

    Distribute Content only to premium users

    Premium User Video service

  • We have implemented a fully serverless solution:
    • Cognito for authentication
    • DynamoDB for storing users that are premium
    • 2 serverless applications
      • Premium user registration
      • CloudFront Signed url generator
    • Content is stored in S3 (serverless and scalable)
    • Integrated with CloudFront with OAI for security (users can’t bypass)
    • CloudFront can only be used using Signed URLs to prevent unauthorizeed users
    • What about S2 Signed URL? They’re not efficient for global access

      Software updates offloading

  • We have an application running on EC2, that distributes software updates once in a while
  • When a new software update is out, we get a lot of request and the content is distributed in mass over the network. It’s very costly
  • We don’t want to change our application, but want to optimize our cost an CPI, how can we do it?
  • ECS, load balancer, Cloudront, S3 + OAI, Lambda, DynamoDB

    Our application current state

  • auto scaling group, multi-AZ, Amazon EFS

    Easy way to fix things!

  • CloudFront
  • No changes to architecture
  • Will cache software update files at the edge
  • Software update files are not dynamic, they’re static (never changing)
  • Our EC2 instances aren’t serverless
  • But CloudFront is, and will scale for us
  • Out ASG will not scale as much, and we’ll save tremendously in EC2
  • We’ll also save in availability, networl bandwith cost, etc
  • Easy way to make an existing application more scalaable and cheaper!

    Big Data Ingestion Pipeline

  • We want the ingestion pipeline to be fully serverless
  • We want to collect data in real time
  • We want to transform the data
  • We want to query the tranformed data using SQL
  • The reports created using the queries should be in S3
  • We want to load that data into a warehouse and create dashboards
  • Dynamo realtime, S3 select, Athena, Kinesis Redshift, Kinesis stream, S3 static

    Big Data Ingestion Pipeline

  • IoT devices, Kinesis Data streams, Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS Lambda, S3 Bucket, Simple queue Service, AWS Lambda, Athena, S3, Amazon QuickSight, Amazon Redshift

    Big Data Ingestion Pipeline discussion

  • IoT Core allows you to harvest data from IoT devices
  • Kinesis is greate for real-time data collection
  • Firehose helps with data delivery to S3 in near real-time (1 minutes)
  • Lambda can help Firehose with data transformation
  • Amazon S3 can trigger notifications to SQS
  • Lambda can subscrible to SQS (we could have connecter S3 to Lambda)
  • Athena is a serverless SQL service and results are stored in S3
  • The reporting bucket contains anlyzed data and can be used by reporting tool such as AWS QuickSight, Redshift, etc…
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