AWS Monitoring, Audit, and Performance
AWS Monitoring, Audit and Performance AWS CloudWatch Metrics Cloudwatch provides metrics for every services in AWS Metric is a variable to monitor (CPUUtilization, NetworkIn…) Metrics belong...
AWS Monitoring, Audit and Performance AWS CloudWatch Metrics Cloudwatch provides metrics for every services in AWS Metric is a variable to monitor (CPUUtilization, NetworkIn…) Metrics belong...
Machine Learning Amazon Rekognition Find objects, people, text, scenes in images and videos using ML Facial analysis and facial search to do user verification, people counting Create a datab...
AWS Integration & Messaginng SQS, SNS & Kinesis When we start deploying multiple applications, they will inevitably need to communicate with one another There are two patterns of appli...
AWS DNS DNS is a discovery service Translate machine into human and vice versa => it’s huge and has to be distributed 4294967296 IPv4 DNS Zone W...
Databases Choosing the Right Database Read-heavy, write heavy, or database workload? Throughput needs? Will it change, does it need to scale or fluctuate during the day? How much data to store...
Container Section Docker is a software development platform to deploy apps Apps are packaged in containers that can be run on any OS Apps run the same, regardless of where they’re run ...
Serverless Overview Serverless is a new paradigm in which the developers don’t have to manage servers anymore… They just deploy code They just deploy… functions ! Initially… Serverless == ...
Serverless Architectures Serverless hosted website: This website should scale globally Blogs are rarely written, but often read Some of the website is purely static files, the res...
Advannce S3 S3 MFA Delete MFA (mutil factor authentication) forces uses to genenrate a code in a device (usually a mobile phone or hardware) before doing important operation on S3 To use MFA-D...
Advanced S3 S3 MFA-Delete MFA (multi factor authentication) forces user to generate a code on a device (ussually a mobile phone or hardware) before doing important operations on S3 To use MFA-...